Knowledge isn't always good for you..
I'll be one of the Who's of Whoville..
Ain't nothing but 10 grand. What's 10 grand to me?.
Rush is the death of marriage..
I must have true love or nothing..
I'm cooler than you. WAAAY cooler..
Make sure you have legal cover for what you're doing..
Fear is a sprit that really can stop you from living..
Travel is not about money, it's about courage..
You must understand, I don't have to be happy to be happy..
When I was younger, I really struggled with confidence..
No one is ever going to be as good as I was.
I am one of the crucified dead..
You can't be what you can't see..
The something of somewhere is mostly just the nothing of nowhere..
God doesn't just love all of us. He loves each of us..
Faith is trusting in the good. Fear is putting your trust in the bad..
I liked myself better when I wasnt me..
Change is like that: you are no longer where you were; you are not yet where you will get; you are nowhere exactly..
The truth doesn't only excist of what you see..
When you start somewhere, you've started..