Yes, the kingdom of Christianity and the Church has been one of the most destructive forces in history, and there are levels of bastardization of rel….
There's part of me that is a strict materialist..
There seemed a gulf impassable between them..
The church must capture and keep the minds and hearts of students..
The Church is a family expecting guests..
Every story of change there is always someone who didn't have the resources or the network they needed and did something anyway..
There were so many outstanding women in scripture that were leaders. And, you know, the organized church sometimes puts boundaries on us that the Bib….
One misconception is that if we follow God in the life of faith, and that means obedience - that we read His Word, we're obedient, we pray, we go to ….
Exhibition is certainly the safest part of the cinema business, but it's very capital intensive..
The Catholic Church is still very angry about The Da Vinci Code - they don't like anything that makes more money in a weekend than they do..
Everyone is the other and no one is himself..
There is nothing the Church can do except try to educate people to become good consumers..
If I'm going to see my mom, I'm going to church!.
There is not in the universe a more ridiculous, nor a more contemptible animal, than a proud clergyman..
This concern for the poor is in the Gospel, it is within the tradition of the Church, it is not an invention of communism and it must not be turned i….
We see not our own backs..
The church does not need apologists of its causes nor crusaders of its battles, but sowers humble and confident of the truth, who ... trust of its po….
I trust that some may be as near and dear to Buddha, or Christ, or Swedenborg, who are without the pale of their churches..
The Church imposes nothing; she only proposes, she proposes like a lover to the beloved..
I plead guilty to that when I was young pastor. In one of my churches I changed so much, one old wag said I'd changed everything in the church except….
As for the British churchman, he goes to church as he goes to the bathroom, with the minimum of fuss and no explanation if he can help it..