When you're coming up with your philosophy and approach to performing comedy, you take special note of the things you disagree with as much as the th….
If you're playing things sincere in a really absurd, heightened situation, you'll achieve comedy as opposed to just saying funny lines and one-liners….
President Bush is supporting Arnold but a lot of Republicans are not, because he is actually quite liberal. Karl Rove said if his father wasn't a Naz….
[Comedy] is an escape from illusions. The audience is...thinking, 'This bullshit we see and hear all day makes no sense.'.
When I was 14, I told my mother I was going to drop out of high school and go do stand-up comedy. All she said was 'Oh maybe it's better if you just ….
A lot of my early pictures are, I think, quite funny. And these days I tend to look for comedy more and more..
I don't think comedy will ever die..
The difference between our decadence and the Russians is that while theirs is brutal, ours is apathetic..
I think I have a natural, if I can say that, got a kind of natural ability in comedy..
You've got to be rich to have a swing like that..
Kids are wonderful, but I like mine barbecued..
Comedy and horror are cousins; they're related. They both come from storytellers who want to specifically affect the audience and elicit specific rea….
Everybody needs some good sketch comedy..
When I left school I was full of angst, like any teenager, and I channeled it all into comedy..
After an author has been dead for some time, it becomes increasingly difficult for his publishers to get out a new book by him each year..
I like grown up comedy..
You've got to realize that when all goes well, and everything is beautiful, you have no comedy. It's when somebody steps on the bride's train, or bel….
It's very hard to watch comedy for me, when I'm doing a comedy show, because I either watch a show and I love it, and I'm jealous, or I watch a show ….
'Rubberneck' has nothing to do with comedy, nor does it follow comedic people..
To me, horror and comedy never work. Never worked for me, anyway..
I like to do things that are shocking or challenging for the sake of comedy..