"Hypercoherence" is one of the most dangerous threats to the long-term survival of our civilization. Hypercoherence is the close efficient linkage of….
How you feel at the time affects how you receive and react to communication from others. You have to put on your objective eyes and ears in order to ….
"I fear your kind and open communication, which has rendered me more painfully conscious of my own defects, has not improved me," sighed Kate..
I think a very important aspect of language has to do with the establishment of social relations and interactions. Often, this is described as commun….
Letter-writing too often degenerates into a communicating of facts, and not of truths; of other men's deeds and not our thoughts.What are the convuls….
Learn the language that they understand, and when they come upon our doorstep to talk we can talk, and they will get the point. There will be a dialo….
If you complain of people being shot down in the streets, of the absence of communication or social responsibility, of the rise of everyday violence ….
Small changes can magnifiy. The possibility of interpersonal communication has increased substantially with contemporary technology. But as compared ….
Since in order to speak, one must first listen, learn to speak by listening..
Who’s going to keep them from wiping us out species by species? Not me. We aren’t prepared for a new demographic of magic-using humans who are sadist….
There is harmony in the tension of opposites, as in the case of the bow and lyre..
The people who matter will recognize who you are..
In just 20 years terrorism, communications, the jet plane and the increase of wealth and knowledge have forced, to varying degrees, world leaders int….
Christlike communications will help us to develop righteous relationships and ultimately to return to our heavenly home safely. May we treasure the d….
Carve every word before you let it fall..
It is impossible to say all that we think, even to our truest Friend. We may bid him farewell forever sooner than complain, for our complaint is too ….
Letters are above all useful as a means of expressing the ideal self; and no other method of communication is quite so good for this purpose. In lett….
I am full of admiration for the technologists who have developed all sorts of gadgets for the purpose of improving communications. However, I believe….
I seek what lies beneath surface beauty. What interests me are intimate human complexities - the darkness as well as the light. I cannot will this ki….
We cannot feel strongly toward the totally unlike because it is unimaginable, unrealizable; nor yet toward the wholly like because it is stale - iden….
Communications tools don't get socially interesting until they get technologically boring..