The value of a company is the sum of the problems you solve..
A man is known by the company his mind keeps..
Every company has big data in its future and every company will eventually be in the data business..
How fast a company can respond in an emergency is a measure of its corporate reflexes..
I've always enjoyed a woman's company more than men's. They're usually better looking..
Mostly what I'm focused on is finding people who are younger who haven't built companies before but have a good idea..
Japanese businesspeople and companies are lacking in individuality..
With technology today, companies are less in control of their brand.
I absolutely don't dislike children - I would choose their company over adult company any time..
I would love to have access to a company like Caterpillar. I would make all their stuff remote controlled and work ten times as fast..
This book was company for me - I wrote these things when I was in hotels, far from where I normally live. I never intended to publish it..
Focusing on the customer makes a company more resilient..
If there's one single thing that I do every single time, it's require references and, ideally, at least one reference from every company they've work….
You can't be an entrepreneur and work in a public company anymore..
Managing brands is going to be more and more about trying to manage everything that your company does..
I have my own production company called Urban Dreams..
I have a company called Earl Campbell Foods. I got into the meat business in 1991..
Companies, like people, don't much like to change..
Companies are not ingenious, it's the people in them that are..
If you only do things where you know the answer in advance, your company goes away..
If someone doesn't fit in your company, you have an obligation to get rid of them, because you're holding them back from excelling elsewhere..