All liberation depends on the consciousness of servitude, and the emergence of this consciousness is always hampered by the predominance of needs and….
In Socrates' thought the two marks of individual self-consciousness appear; it is practical and it is social..
I don't like things that aren't true..
My father said he did have the mathematics of mind physics, or the physics of consciousness..
Everything which is, is thought, but not conscious and individual thought. The human intelligence is but the consciousness of being. It is what I hav….
We need to participate directly in the evolution of consciousness, which, at its core, is the evolution of love..
I've been on top longer and I am younger. I'm just better..
Nationalism is not the awakening of nations to self-consciousness; it invents nations where they do not exist..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
By penetrating to the core of our own being, we can make contact with the consciousness at the center of the universe..
For often, when one is asleep, there is something in consciousness which declares that what then presents itself is but a dream..
Consciousness does affect matter..
I prefer true over happy now..
Instead of indulging in mere speculation, devote yourself here and now to the search for the Truth that is ever within you..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
The capacity to recognize significant factors in a given situation is limited by the context that arises from the level of consciousness of the obser….
The highest levels of consciousness are wordless..
You can have relatively high levels of class consciousness with a lower level of class militancy than one would have expected..
The longing for light is the longing for consciousness..
To be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated..
A witnessing consciousness lives in life but with tremendous non-attachment, with great non-possessiveness; it possesses nothing. It lives totally, i….