Our Constitution recognises no other power than that of persuasion, for enforcing religious observances..
An act against the Constitution is void; an act against natural equity is void..
The Constitution is what the judges say it is, every time..
I have allowed the president to pick his political appointees…But I will not sit quietly and let him shred the Constitution..
We're talking about the responsibility, my responsibility according to the Syrian constitution that said we have to defend ourselves..
[The Constitution] is an experiment as all life is an experiment..
The Union, and the Constitution, are the picture of silver, subsequently framed around it. The picture was not made to conceal or destroy the apple, ….
An inspection of the Constitution will show that the right of property in a slave in not "distinctly and expressly affirmed" in it..
In all cases where incidental powers are acted upon, the principal and incidental ought to be congenial with each other, and partake of a common natu….
If I am confirmed, I will commit to show Heller and the principles articulated in it the full measure of respect that is due to all constitution deci….
The great generalities of the constitution have a content and a significance that vary from age to age..
Many of the Latter-day Saints have surrendered their independence; they have surrendered their free thought, politically, and we have got to get back….
The ANC is more important than the Constitution..
They tried to say that being gay is a sin, and I said that adultery is a sin. Adultery is responsible for breaking up more marriages, but do we put t….
What right do they have to say "we the people" rather than we the States?.
There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that sanctifies the separation of church and state..
We say keep your change, we'll keep our God, our guns, our constitution..
The Constitution was made for ordinary people..
The Constitution does not just protect those whose views we share; it also protects those with whose views we disagree..
The Constitution is only there to regulate matters..
The constitution of the universe is total natural law. 'Natural law,' we say from the field of science. 'Will of God,' we say from the field of relig….