Ram, ass, and horse, my Kyrnos, we look over With care, and seek good stock for good to cover; And yet the best men make no argument, But wed, for….
There's something that scares me. It's the way media in the United States presents the rest of the world. I feel like people in America are getting a….
The most poor and backward areas in the world are those in which women are subjugated and exploited. Improving the situation of the woman improves th….
Everything is personal..
Memorial Day isn't just about honoring veterans, its honoring those who lost their lives. Veterans had the fortune of coming home. For us, that's a r….
Congress will be tempted to wipe their hands of this, go to the Election Day and say 'we've done our part' and that's where groups like ours, Concern….
Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their vis….
All communication is more or less cross-cultural. We learn to use language as we grow up, and growing up in different parts of the country, having di….
Every house was festooned with flowers and with lanterns. On the national day, the whole country went wild with joy, But on that very day, I was plac….
The refugees are not only going to be a demand on the country's resources, but also the refugees raise the possibility that the countries that they'r….
Most people in this country, while they might not be happy about things, also are woefully ignorant about many things. Sometimes people can learn, bu….
The people are the masters of the revolution in each country. It is like putting a cart before the horse that foreigners carry out the revolution for….
The terrorists that attacked us in San Bernardino was an American citizen, born and raised in this country. And I bet you we wish we would have had a….
Sadly, the President's budget proposal for the upcoming year once again puts cutting taxes for the wealthiest Americans over addressing our country's….
There's always be a me and you..
I definitely want to keep working in Ireland, and without being too worthy about it, if it's possible to bring work into the country, that's no harm..
The mere fact that my comments have caused such strong protests, although I'm not a European, and also the fact that I have been compared with certai….
If Americans wish to preserve a country they will recognize, then the first step is to recognize the enemy. Public education is the enemy. The entert….
But harder still it has proved to resist and rule the dragon Money, with his paper wings. Chancellors and Boards of Trade, Pitt, Peel, and Bobinson, ….
No, I make no pretension to patriotism. So long as my voice can be heard on this or the other side of the Atlantic, I will hold up America to the lig….
Has it ever occurred to you that nothing occurs to God?.