The creative person is both more primitive and more cultivated, more destructive, a lot madder and a lot saner, than the average person..
What got you here won't get you there..
The creative process, like a spiritual journey, is intuitive, non-linear, and experiential. It points us toward our essential nature, which is a refl….
When we get to the future, I'll decide the future..
If this enormous pressure didn't exist, I wouldn't have been elected. It would have been one of the usual candidates..
Creativity is our birthright. It is an integral part of being human, as basic as walking, talking and thinking..
Creativity is a voracious animal. It needs to be fed regularly. If you leave it untended for too long, you run the risk of starving your passion and ….
I think one of the things about creativity is not to be afraid of saying the wrong thing..
I'm a happily declared chocoholic. I keep it everywhere, even my nightstand..
The thing that obsesses me more than anything is waste - the waste of human intelligence and creativity..
You can't find what you don't go looking for..
The prerequisite of originality is the art of forgetting, at the proper moment, what we know..
To see more is to become more..
Religion is one of the safest places to hide from God..
History works itself out in the living..
I'm good at picking friends..
There is time only to work slowly There is no time not to love.
Everything is expressed through RELATIONSHIPS..
Percy yelled. "What's going- Gah! Shrimpzilla!.
When he [Joe Lewis] was asked upon his retirement about his long career, Joe sweetly summed it up in just ten words. 'I did the best I could with wha….
People must know that their ideas will be listened to and, if they have merit, acted upon. If they do, it is possible to mobilize individual creativi….