There are things that inform the works, but that doesn't go anywhere near what you're actually looking at..
Tell them to send everything that can fly..
To the discovered, the discoverer can be a god..
I don't really like ska..
No one is accountable anymore for anything..
Stand by those who stand by you..
I suppose I just like being arty. That's all. Arty..
Don't anoint me when you can anoint yourself..
That Bible is read best, which is practised most..
Those who love most, see most..
Discern the vital few from the trivial Many..
Actors have to stay ready and be ready. They need to adjust things in their life, whether it be hair, teeth, take the time to do that..
One cannot say everything at once..
I'm not saying I'm God. But as far as lyrics, I'm God MC..
We won`t back down! We won`t be trumped!.
We're all looking for something, something to be..
Be bold. You gotta be bold..
There's much too much mismating in the Microsofted phrasery of our day. And I like sentences that are societies unto themselves and shun any need for….
I have not been recognized..
with one image he would make that beauty explode into me..
Don't immanentize the eschaton!.