Young people understand that you don't have to wear or eat animals. I get that it can be cheaper to use animal products - but using animals really cu….
Ah, not to be cut off, not through the slightest partition shut out from the law of the stars. The inner -- what is it? if not the intensified sky, h….
I think in the policies that have been followed since the president Donald Trump came into office, there really hasn't been any slack cut for the Rus….
The ultimate objective [of comedy] is to get a laugh, so if you can get a laugh off the fact that you did not get a laugh, then you've kinda saved th….
In a novella, a whole lot of crap can happen, and you can build momentum and suspense and leave room for a surprise or three. Stories are cut down to….
I love art because I feel that it's evidence of the great shared universal power. I like art that feels real, that cuts the bullshit..
There are a lot of people who say we need to cut the amount of money that's spent in politics. I'm not sure that I agree. But I am sure that if you w….
But I couldn't cut that whole septic tank scene out because the audience liked it so much. So I sort of fell right back into getting a cheap laugh, b….
Third world nations are producing too many children too is time to ignore the controversy over family planning and cut out-of-control popul….
Sometimes if your only approach is cutting spending at a time when the economy's contracting, then the economy will contract further..
My biggest role as director on the film is keeping a sense of the overview - how to cast the movie and shoot it in such a way that it will cut togeth….
Maybe when I stop making movies, I'll understand my work better..
No one is ever going to be as good as I was.
Unquestionably, however, something else is at work, something that cuts deeper into the American psyche. We have a profound hatred of the weak and th….
You cutting the lawn, fixing the machines, all this leprous day and then more vodka, more soda and the pond forgiving our bodies, the pond sucking ou….
Here's a secret: fictive text doesn't necessarily flow easily. Most of the time it's more like cutting a highway through a mountain. You just have to….
What belongs to someone, belongs to someone..
It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another..
For I now realize that what overcame me that evening was a sudden awareness of the power of intuition, the supra-logic that cuts out all routine proc….
Rose!" I looked to my right and saw Adrian cutting across the lawn toward me, oblivious to the slush's effects on his designer shoes. "Did you just c….
Her hair is smoldering. Her face was smudged with soot. She had a cut on her arms, her dress was torn, and she was missing a boot. Beautiful..