We're all turkeys! Some of us are running around with our heads cut off, some of us are flapping our wings that hard we're close to flying. But nothi….
God has given you a spirit with wings on which to soar into the spacious firmament of Love and Freedom. Is it not pitiful than that you cut your wing….
Southern California is a nice place, if you could cut out the show-business cancer. It just keeps spreading..
I'm coming to Washington D.C. to do the people's work, and the people's work has to do with - reducing spending, and - cutting budgets, and - and tr….
I think that what most surprises anybody who goes into politics from even a modestly cerebral background is the vulgarity of much of the cut and thru….
I think that's very significant that we're so attached to the idea now of - it was something I advocated for years, that you can make music in studio….
Our desires cut across one another, and in this confused existence it is rare for happiness to coincide with the desire that clamoured for it..
In a world in which technology is changing at such a fast pace, where demand conditions change very fast, we need to look at a more innovative mechan….
The prince and the peasant will not be equalized by cutting off the prince's head..
Look, I'm very much in favor of tax cuts, but not with borrowed money. And the problem that we've gotten into in recent years is spending programs wi….
Our ape-like and arboreal ancestors entered upon the first of many short cuts. To crack a marrow-bone with a rock was the act which fathered the tool….
You could run harder, longer. If the workout was four 200s really, really fast, they wouldn't seem as hard as before. You could cut the rest down fro….
Yes, my tiara sets off the whole thing nicely," said Auntie Muriel in a rather carrying whisper. "But I must say, Ginevra's dress is far too low-cut.….
This tree is indeed a Tree of Life, for without the higher and finer sentiments man does not life; he merely exists. If any branch of that tree does ….
Blue was a fanciful, but sensible thing. Like a platypus, or one of those sandwiches that had been cut into circles for a fancy tea party..
Today's enterprise IT architecture is about integrating systems to meet business needs. Consequently, IT architects can't - and don't - live in a vac….
Malcolm X represents the cutting edge of a kind of critique of globalization in the 21st century. In fact, Malcolm, if anything, was far ahead of the….
Look, any cut in greenhouse gases is going to be expensive for American consumers, who are in no mood to bear additional costs..
There is no man who loves a woman that does not desire to come to her for the renewal of his courage, for the cutting asunder of his difficulties. An….
I'm a soccer mom. I'm T-ball, soccer, karate, homework, keeping them on their schedules. I love being the snack mom, when I get to bring the cut oran….
I'm a provincial. I live very much like a hermit: reading, listening to music, working in the cutting room, writing, commercial work - which doesn't ….