The tree doesn't die, nor do I when you cut off a branch or a finger, we both heal so we don't lose all the sap or blood. That to me is total shock. ….
I performed in a bowling alley before while people were still bowling. Cut the check, and I will perform anywhere..
He that cuts off twenty years of life Cuts off so many years of fearing death..
Cutting through complexity to find a solution runs through four predictable stages: determine a goal, find the highest-leverage approach, discover th….
I cut the scene out, but there was a moment where Christoph Waltz plays the piano in 'Django [Unchained]' - Jamie [Foxx] is a magnificent piano-playe….
I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, and highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the pope and his followers, t….
Thank God, they cannot cut down the clouds!.
For my part, I think we need more emotion, not less. But I think, too, that we need to educate people in how to feel. Emotionalism is not the same as….
Remember, there are no cuts to Medicaid. Every year in Medicaid, you spend more money than you spent the year before under this plan, but the growth ….
And let's not forget that internally, we are, like all dying empires, being hollowed out from the inside in terms of infrastructure. I live near Phil….
I don't think that strategically it is smart to begin cutting your options when the other side does not move at all..
The mode of clearing and planting is to fell the trees, and burn once what will burn, then cut them up into suitable lengths, rollinto heaps, and bur….
If you cut a painter's hands off, he'd still feel the urge to pick up a brush..
Initially, it was the unpractical in fashion that brought me to design my own line. I felt that it was much more attractive to cut clothes with respe….
I am too sick to work and haven't money enough to last 2 months and pay income tax. I want to keep going but do not see quite how, and there is no al….
By the way, when I say cut taxes, I don't mean fiddle with the code. I mean abolish the income tax and the IRS, and replace them with nothing..
I was always cutting words. I even would write my jokes in my notebook. I still do this, almost like a poem..
For a moment, or a second, the pinched expressions of the cynical, world-weary, throat-cutting, miserable bastards we've all had to become disappears….
A rich man's body is like a premium cotton pillow, white and soft and blank. ''Ours'' is different. My father's spine was a knotted rope, the kind th….
Lucky Charms?” I asked. “Magically delicious,” he explained. “Requisite for any sort of building project.” I shook my head, still amazed at how he ha….
What's really interesting is when you get a brand-new wave that has no connection to anything else. It always reflects society. The flappers would cu….