The simplest act of surrealism is to walk out into the street, gun in hand, and shoot at random..
Cynicism is intellectual treason..
Cynicism is only intellectual sloth..
One can never take the cynicism one comes across in life too seriously..
You have to try to dismiss the loudness of cynicism. It's certainly going to come..
It is a peculiarity of the American mind that it regards any excursion into the truth as an adventure into cynicism..
Doubt is always accompanied by a pervasive cynicism that unconsciously puts a negative spin on whatever it touches..
Cynicism and skepticism are the crudest form of quasi-intellectualism... Let the cynic become cynical of his cynicism and the skeptic skeptical of hi….
All lies are told with a straight face. It is truth that's said with a dismissive giggle..
Anything that has cynicism to it and that's jaded is smutty..
There's a lot of cynicism. Let's really enjoy Christmas, with all that's going on in the world..
Cynicism is humor in ill health..
There is maybe a cynicism because of my past as a writer..
Adolescence: The stage between puberty and adultery..
I believe I'm growing skeptical of cynicism..
Cynicism is that blackguard defect of vision which compels us to see the world as it is, instead of as it should be..
Cynicism is fear posing as confidence; joy is hope let off the leash..
Cynicism is what passes for insight when courage is lacking.