And many of the alarmists on global warming, they've got a problem cause the science doesn't back them up. And in particular, satellite data demonstr….
The data is going to indicate sadly that when the Obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic i….
If persons in the die at any time in the study interval, they are reported...In the treated group, however, deaths which occur befo….
Surveys show that surveys never lie..
It is now very clear that techniques of machine-human interfacing, pharmacology of the synthetic variety, all kinds of manipulative techniques, all k….
The trouble is that the expression 'material thing' is functioning already, from the very beginning, simply as a foil for 'sense-datum'; it is not he….
You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else's mail is a felony but your internet activity is fair game for data col….
The 'data' (given) of research are not so much given as taken out of a constantly elusive matrix of happenings. We should speak of capta rather than ….
The part of my brain that was responsible for creating the world I lived and moved in and for taking the raw data that came in through my senses and ….
The falsification of scientific data or analysis is always a serious matter.
We used to be calorie poor and now the problem is obesity. We used to be data poor, now the problem is data obesity..
When you see data, doubt [them]! When you see measurements, doubt them!.
The theft potentially of data does create this image of sort of cloak and dagger politics that we sort of imagine when we think of underhanded politi….
Our understanding of the human brain can be dramatically accelerated if we collect and share research data on an exponentially wider scale..
The ultimate purpose of collecting the data is to provide a basis for action or a recommendation..
The creative folks intuitively design what's best for the user, while data folks provide great insights. The true unicorns are those who can go end-t….
At the global level, there are a growing number of city-based bike-sharing programs, that take advantage of mobile devices to reserve your bike, keep….
Beware of the problem of testing too many hypotheses; the more you torture the data, the more likely they are to confess, but confessions obtained un….
What we call our data are really our own constructions of other people’s constructions of what they and their compatriots are up to..
It's clear that North took some original steps in that direction, but Hall probably had the most complete approach and should get the most credit. Bu….
For all the claims one hears about the liberating impact of the data-net, the truth is that it's wished on most of us a brand-new reason for paranoia..