What God originates, God orchestrates..
I like my work to stand on its own as much as possible..
There is beauty in everything, Just not everybody sees it.
Swallows and Amazons for-ever!.
Some changes are so slow, you don't notice them, others are so fast, they don't notice you..
Mike Topp is a disablingly funny writer--a miniaturist of nervous precisions, our supreme abridger of metropolitan startlement and inner fidgetry. He….
A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom..
Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to daze, iron to bind..
I remember the day I found out my draft status. I was really floored and kind of staggered around in a daze. It just hadn't occurred to me that I cou….
The writer walks out of his workroom in a daze. He wants a drink. He needs it..
The afternoon and the early evening slide by in a lidded daze where the ability to think in any identifiable way disappears and where every moment se….