Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit..
We've got to change our regulatory system..
Nobody's changing what you've got. You get to keep it..
Charge for something and make more than you spend..
One place is very like another..
I like to be the one in charge of everything..
None of Us is as Good as All of Us..
Accentuaute the positives - medicate the negatives..
The more music you love, the happier you will be..
All change begins with someone having a thought..
For my second match it's pretty good..
Socialists are Liberals in a hurry..
In business for yourself, but not by yourself..
All religions do not point to God.
I always knew I would adopt. Always..
The rottenness comes from within..
I buy whatever I see, but I tend to not spend money just to spend it..
I like to do something I fear..
I do keep pre-occupied..
We are what we wear, we wear what we are.
I'm a very conceptual writer..