Liberals always exempt themselves from the rules that they impose on others..
Don't seek to be published, seek to be read..
Nobody can hear you read music..
All right," I managed to say, just before I crumpled to the floor. "Let's see what you've got..
I was cured all right..
We take what what we can get..
I love new questions..
Hitler was a teetotalitarian..
But what I do I do because I like to do..
I was always on my oddy knocky..
I am nobody but myself..
And I don't get down on nobody else for doing whatever else they do. To each his own..
Death: the grand perhaps..
I've been racketeered on..
What's it going to be then, eh?.
What so wild as words are?.
Only the bold get to the top..
I find more peace with you..
I go and see music all the time..
I have seen the future! Go back!.
We love those whom we serve (p. 26).