Have you noticed the debt is exploding? And it's not all because of Medicare..
It's not long-term debt if the money is immediately paid back..
The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much..
Poetry which owes no man anything, owes nevertheless one debt - an image of the world in which men can again believe..
Above all, recognize that if you have had success, you have also had luck — and with luck comes obligation. You owe a debt, and not just to your Gods….
When I had dinner with a friend or a loved one and one of you pays for the check and the other says, "I owe you next time." I like to think that we'r….
Breach of promise is no less an act of insolvency than a refusal to pay one's debt..
Lying rides upon debt's back..
In my opinion painters owe to Giotto, the Florentine painter, exactly the same debt they owe to nature, which constantly serves them as a model and w….
One of the greatest disservices you can do a man is to lend him money that he can't pay back..
There is no debt with so much prejudice put off as that of justice..
It takes as much imagination to create debt as to create income..
We have a very robust set of plans. And people have looked at both of our plans, have concluded that mine would create 10 million jobs and yours [Don….
The Citizen's Petition reflects Vermont's spirit of pragmatism and across-the-board cooperation. I applaud the 'Campaign to Fix the Debt' for calling….
We believed it was better to pay as you go than it was to pay your bills by borrowing and laying up debts for another day. To pay as you go, that pol….
Greece is a medium-sized country in Europe. Our debt accounts for only 2.5 percent of the total of all members of the euro zone..
You [Jill Stein] want to do something about student debt. And that affects conservative and liberal students. That's going to be a majoritarian posit….
This is a very connected, tolerant, creative generation, but a lot of them feel really constrained because they've got this big debt..
It is hard to overstate the debt we owe to the men and women of genius..
If you have even a smidgen of doubt that you'll be able to stay away from racking up additional debt, don't do it..
If you are able to settle, you'll be getting off rather easy. Debt settlement companies can sometimes get you off the hook for a large percentage of ….