The disciplined are free..
I love to live and I live to love..
Things get very distorted when you do a movie, weirdly so..
Let's talk about a decision that women have to make every morning- Big purse or little purse?.
The Point of Power Is in the Present..
We were all at once terribly alone; and alone we must see it through..
I live my life with no regrets. Each decision of mine has define my life in a certain way.
Right is right though all condemn, and wrong is wrong though all approve..
I am not and never will be perfect. I am not always as honest, respectful, responsible, fair or as kind as I should be. All I can do is what I should….
A New Year's resolution that I can never keep? To be able to make decisions..
The hard thing when you get old is to keep your horizons open. The first part of your life everything is in front of you, all your potential and prom….
The decision to change the name meant we were getting serious, because we couldn't make a record if some other band had the same name as us. I told….
I am no I. I am now part of a we..
The hurricane complicates things in that what would have been purely a business decision becomes a decision of the heart..
Obviously, a man's judgement cannot be better than the information on which he bases it.
The future did not arrive..
There are no more liberals Theyve all been mugged..
I've had everything pierced at some point..
Eating and exercising should be conscious decisions..
You got to get it while you can..
There are worse things than being constantly hired to do anything..