Overlook our deeds, since you know that crime was absent from our inclination. [Lat., Factis ignoscite nostris Si scelus ingenio scitis abesse meo.].
It is an offence to pay for sex with someone controlled for gain..
Heartbreak taught me that you can rise from the ashes and get over anything..
Have you not succeeded? Continue! Have you succeeded? Continue!.
Life's the longest picture you're ever gonna take..
Begin: To have commenced is half the deed. Half yet remains; Begin again on this and thou wilt finish all..
When Caesar says, 'do this,' it is perform'd..
It is only those who feel disconnected and seperated from the Oneness of All That Is that can ever commit evil deeds..
More of me comes out when I improvise..
Money won is always better than money earned..
We were searching for ourselves in each other..
I'd like to thank everybody who ever punched or kissed me in my life and everybody who I ever punched or kissed..
I do have a ridiculously high hedonic set-point.
Food that walked and talked, that was us. McPeople..
We like to have work to do, so as to have the right to rest..
Actors have to stay ready and be ready. They need to adjust things in their life, whether it be hair, teeth, take the time to do that..
Whenever I get into something, I shut out everything else..
It takes at least one to make a marriage..
But what I do I do because I like to do..
We belong to God. All in us is His..
Better to be screwed physically than financially..