That's the thing with love: It's going to be wrong until it's right..
I like to be counted on..
Women are the only correspondents to be depended on..
Never hope for it more than you work for it..
Work for money, design for love..
From Themistocles began the saying, "He is a second Hercules.".
. . . the circumference of life cannot be rightly drawn until the center is set..
You're never going to learn everything..
One truly understands only what one can create..
A good poem about failure is a success..
I work whenever I'm let..
A lot of things are going right. More is going right than wrong, for sure..
Meow, Meow, Motherfucker..
It can never be necessary to do what is not honourable..
I take all of my music seriously and personally..
Im so not into being emaciated..
Don't let the things you don't have prevent you from using what you do have..
It's nobody's business how you do something..
There is no such thing as society..
Not only did I get an A in music but I got an A in ladies..
It's always good to go against your friends, especially when you come out victorious..