Don't tell us about dreams – dream dinners aren't any good and we can't share them..
And she walked away, and she walked away, and that was that, and that was that..
Take what you do seriously, but yourself lightly.
Donald Trump's mother, who said, Donnie! Stop playing Monopoly and get in that barber's chair! Never got a dinner!.
Everything I do, I do for love..
What doesn't kill us makes us funnier..
Sydney Poitier, who said to Lester Maddox, Guess who's not coming to dinner? Never got a dinner!.
Learning patience takes a lot of patience!.
Moses, who said to the Israelites, Stop calling me Charlton! Never got a dinner!.
All of the music works on its own, but it doesn't really make as much sense without the picture..
Some of the most famous people in history never got a dinner!.
Sonny Von Bulow, who said to her husband Claus on their honeymoon, Stop needling me. Never got a dinner!.
I am always tying up and then deciding to depart..
Peter Minuet, who said to the Indians in modern-day Manhattan, Will you accept a check from a Puerto Rican bank? Never got a dinner!.
The older you get the more you understand what you're doing.
Stop shoulding on yourself.
When you are handed something instead of having to work for it, you don't respect it as much..
Nobody can ever take Michael Jackson's place, it's only one Michael..
Needing something is not the same thing as being interested in the thing itself..
Just as we are what we eat physically, we are also what we consume spiritually..
I'm a woman of the '90s..