A person who sets his or her mind on the dark side of life, who lives over and over the misfortunes and disappointments of the past, prays for simila….
Our true history is scarcely ever deciphered by others. The chief part of the drama is a monologue, or rather an intimate debate between God, our con….
That’s the big challenge of life—to chisel disappointment into wisdom so people respect you and you don’t annoy your friends with your whining..
Sport is quite a simple thing. It is play, and in play, people of all ages find the chance to engage their most profound emotions-love, fear, excitem….
Kim Chinquee writes with remarkable heart and grace. Her wise capsulizings of love's devastations and of life's roil and disappointments come at you ….
I sometimes wonder if I might be a bit of a disappointment to people, because they are expecting all these '80s hits and what they get is a dark indu….
There’s a difference between losing something you knew you had and losing something you discovered you had. One is a disappointment. The other feels ….
I did The Seagull, the Chekhov play, on Broadway, a couple of years ago, and I had done it in London, and I became completely obsessed with the chara….
I have heard your words and your disappointment, and I offer you a heart-felt apology to all who felt this was an odd or misguided casting choice..
When you are an actor, rejection and disappointment are an occupational hazard..
When children feel understood, their loneliness and hurt diminish. When children are understood, their love for their parent is deepened. A parent's ….
Life is full of its disappointments, and I suppose the art of being happy is to disguise them as illusions..
He was too tough to experience disappointments and resentments - negative affections. In this nihilist fin de siècle, he was affirmation. Right throu….
When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in..
It is typical of women to fester and ferment over disappointments, slights, annoyances, angers, etc..
But how will I know who my Soulmate is?” Brida felt that this was one of the most important questions she had ever asked in her life. By taking risks….
There is no greater discovery than seeing God as the author of your destiny..
Your ability to face setbacks and disappointments without giving up will be the measure of your ability to succeed..
If two men who were friends in their youth meet again when they are old, after being separated for a life-time, the chief feeling they will have at t….
Listen to presences inside poems..
The strength you've insisted on assigning to others is actually within yourself..