The days passed, as they do, and life went on..
Donald Trump is the head of a global power..
I'm really not that confident!.
I don't like things that aren't true..
I've been on top longer and I am younger. I'm just better..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
I prefer true over happy now..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
I make movies for money, exclusively for money..
It looks like it's been furnished by discount stores..
Not to discount my music, but I'm always suspicious of the music that I make on some level, as to how valid it is. Or maybe not "valid," but how impo….
We also never undercut representatives' prices. A representative will always be able to sell the discounts in our core business, which are not offere….