What's happening is the language. Not only in the usual sense of being interesting (which it is), but in the new sense that words are events, as real….
You can measure distance by time. 'How far away is it?' 'Oh about 20 minutes.' But it doesn't work the other way. 'When do you get off work?' 'Around….
Universities won't survive. The future is outside the traditional campus, outside the traditional classroom. Distance learning is coming on fast..
Thoughts race, as if, in a mind devoid of memory, each idea has too much space to grow and move, to collide with others in a shower of sparks before ….
All ceremonies are in themselves very silly things; but yet, a man of the world should know them. They are the outworks of Mannersand Decency, which ….
We fight wars from progressively great heights and distances, the blessings of technology steadily removing the personal human element from what was ….
Downtime is where we become ourselves, looking into the middle distance, kicking at the curb, lying on the grass or sitting on the stoop and staring ….
Im like the painter with his nose to the canvas, fussing over details. Gazing from a distance, the reader sees the big picture..
I like using LEGO bricks as a medium because I enjoy seeing people’s reaction to artwork created from something with which they are familiar. …My goa….
I think doing period piece is easier, because after a certain distance, everybody is equal, I think. The relative contemporary is harder. I think tha….
I think the Internet shortens the distance between people, and that can often lead to inappropriateness..
If it is possible to have a linear unit that depends on no other quantity, it would seem natural to prefer it. Moreover, a mensural unit taken from t….
Concentrate on small segments of your race at a time. For example, rather than obsessing about the distance that remains, simply complete the next mi….
The cheapest way to travel, and the way to travel the farthest in the shortest distance, is to go afoot, carrying a dipper, a spoon, and a fish line,….
Long distance relationships are living proof that love is not just physical. I can feel you next to me even when you're thousands of miles away. Wai….
When writers are self-conscious about themselves as writers they often keep a great distance from their characters, sounding as if they were writing ….
There are times when you felt especially important to another person, or cared about or loved or accepted. Well, loving relationships aren't somethin….
God reveals Himself in rearview mirrors. And I've an inkling that there are times when we need to drive a long, long distance, before we can look bac….
some journalists have described the South Pole as 'hell on earth.' Others refer to my time here as 'an ordeal.' They would be surprised to know how b….
I came, then, to serve my Church first of all, and the whole world, that is, every person I find along my way. I serve and I will give of myself unto….
The individuals inside are frequently fighting that their individual voices be heard, while the walls of the place, which are the mask, and the perce….