Maybe when I stop making movies, I'll understand my work better..
Early morning does not mince words..
Serve yourself, put the food away, then eat..
I just got called Nigel..
Work usually follows will..
A single conversation can change things..
Faith is the sense of life, that sense by virtue of which man does not destroy himself, but continues to live on. It is the force whereby we live..
There are times and places where not to be anyone is more honourable than to be someone..
I love to dance to Robyn, Nicki Minaj and Boney M..
Resist doing things that have no meaning for life..
Culture is a little like dropping an Alka- Seltzer into a glass- you don't see it, but somehow it does something.
Just as the body goes into shock after a physical trauma, so does the human psyche go into shock after the impact of a major loss..
A woman who is loved always has success..
And, of course, some SF is set close enough to here and now that Anglo and European do apply. Since many of the writers come from those backgrounds, ….
He doesn't need to fight anymore, but fighting is what he does.
Too great a display of delicacy can and does sometimes infringe upon de-cency..
I believe a lot in instinct. One should never dull it by wanting to know everything. One shouldn't ask too many questions but do what one does proper….
Whatever уоu are, bе а good one..
In a world as empirical as ours, a youngster who does not know what he is good at will not be sure what he is good for..
The Sound of Building Coffins is a soulful work from a writer of the weird. Maistros does more than make you feel for his characters and their twiste….
Now I have to motivate myself much more than I had previously..