I like to be counted on..
My very first tattoo was for my dog, Zora, who died in my arms in New York. Right where her heart stopped beating I got a "Z"..
Women are the only correspondents to be depended on..
Never hope for it more than you work for it..
I'm more a dog person than a cat person..
From Themistocles began the saying, "He is a second Hercules.".
. . . the circumference of life cannot be rightly drawn until the center is set..
I believe in the Creator. I don't believe the creator is God. If you change G-O-D the other way, it becomes dog..
You're never going to learn everything..
The CD is dedicated to our dog Nell, who passed away last year..
The dogs may bark, but the caravan moves on.
Bob had a dog buscuit stuck to his head. "How does he always get food stuck to him?" I asked Morelli. "I don't know," Morelli said. "It's a Bob myste….
One truly understands only what one can create..
In my house, we speak Spanglish to the dogs, to the grandchildren, to the kids..
You'd help if you could, wouldn't you, boy?" I said. "It's no wonder they call you man's best friend. Faithful and loyal and true, you share in our s….
Never beg for mercy. Accept that you have failed. Begging is for dogs and humans..
A good poem about failure is a success..
I work whenever I'm let..
A lot of things are going right. More is going right than wrong, for sure..
It can never be necessary to do what is not honourable..
I take all of my music seriously and personally..