Since every school in India teaches English, why can't it be our link language? Why do Tamils have to study English for communication with the world ….
Do not forget your dogs of war, your big guns, which are the most-to-be respected arguments of the rights of kings..
I find solace in animals. I have got a stray dog at home called Candy. I picked it up while I was waiting at the airport one day. I always wanted to ….
Like lots of baby boomers, I was brought up on archaic anthropomorphism. Upstanding Christian dogs. Rabbits with family values. Because the ancient t….
We are not the only animal that mourns; apes do, and elephants, and dogs. Yet we are the only one that tortures..
The man who perceives life only with his eye, his ear, his hand, and his tongue, is but little higher than the ox or an intelligent dog; but he who h….
I don't have many friends in Philadelphia. I sort of have one. I have the dog and someone else..
The thing I like most about dogs is their absolute belief in their own innocence, even when they've been caught redhanded. No matter what they've bee….
Dogs are angels sent from heaven in order to help us to be better people..
My dog is an atheist: he no longer believes in me..
Happiness is a warm puppy..
You're fighting a battle of good and evil with your dog pimp! Your only weapon is the shimmy! There is power in the shimmy! Make him fear your shimmy….
I want a man as nice as my retarded dog, but one that doesn't crap on the floor..
Here is a list of terrible things, The jaws of sharks, a vultures wings The rabid bite of the dogs of war, The voice of one who went before, But most….
I could croak with no warning, and the only tragedy anyone would experience would be showing up on the last day of my estate sale simply to discover ….
A country of long shadows on county cricket grounds, warm beer, green suburbs, dog lovers, and old maids cycling to holy communion through the mornin….
I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
I prefer true over happy now..
With the "old dog" stuff, maybe the term "old" is in there, but I'm 26. I'm not that old. It's mostly like, "Ah, you dirty old dog!" I'm saying it mo….
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..