And I don't like to work. I only like working when I'm working..
Faith leads us beyond ourselves. It leads us directly to God..
Anything you do, let it come from you. Then it will be new..
Saying you liked all music meant that you didn't love any..
I have achieved an inner freedom..
I stray away from formulaic, the formatted..
No person ever died by drowning in their own sweat..
Practice doesn’t make perfect. It makes better..
Things do tend to come around when the time is right though..
It was as close as I had ever come to having power over someone, and I equated it with love..
Before change can be managed, it has to be sparked..
I am not what one calls a celebrity..
Sales fixes everything..
Confidence is the greatest friend..
I like it when I strut..
The knock-out punch is always the one you never see coming..
The worse they are the more they see beauty in each other..
If you become a star known for one thing, that becomes your thing, and you don't want that, on some DNA level..
I was stained by failure..
Everyone always says more than they're supposed to..
Everyone is the other and no one is himself..