Pretty good. Pretttttttty, pretttttttttty, pretttttty good..
I love Italy and I say I am from Italy wherever I go..
When you can't see yourself objectively, you won't see anyone else objectively, either..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
Nothing good ever comes without a price..
"No" isn't really a word I understand..
There's nothing that reflects me. I'm unreflectable!.
I get very antsy when I'm not occupied..
Everything that is not me is incomprehensible..
You put out a funny podcast, you talk about bak chor mee. I will say mee siam mai hum..
I've never been competitive with anybody but myself..
It's not just about being small, it's about doing more with less..
There's not a word in the Quran or the Hadith that requires that women cover their faces. To the contrary, the only requirement is that they uncover ….
You should never be so high and mighty you can't listen to somebody else and learn something from them. Leadership is as much about using the ear as ….
David Wong is like a mash-up of Douglas Adams and Stephen King . . . ‘page-turner’ is an understatement..
...she refused to leave anything to someone else that she could do better herself..
Keep your faith in God, but keep your powder dry..
In every sport there comes a moment when a spell of bitter weeping seems like a fair recess from whatever tough work is going on. It's only the steel….
I am pretty sarcastic and pretty dry..
I like to be counted on..
m doing my best" "no,this isn't your best. We shall recognize your best when it appears.