Everything established, settled, everything to do with home and order and the common ground, has crumbled into dust and has been swept away in the ge….
I saw 'The 39 Clues' as a potential vehicle for doing some education in a fun way - to take some of these amazing stories from history, dust them off….
There is no Bodhi tree, Nor stand of a mirror bright. Since all is void, Where can the dust alight.
While I was looking the other way your fire went out. Left me with cinders to kick into dust, what a waste of the wonder you were.
I don't enjoy "Dust in the Wind"as much. But I do enjoy "Song for America," "Carry on, Wayward Son," and many songs- Kansas is really a drummer's dre….
You have to live a life to become a writer..
We are a blend of dust and divinity..
Being fly is something that I consider myself. I would love to be at some point..
Despite Arizona's remarkable growth in recent years, we have met the current federal health standards for ozone pollution and the Environmental Prote….
No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong..
A lot of the bunkering is designed more to save you than it is to penalize you..
Death hastens those who hasten death..
Everything that I'm saying You can say it just as good.
I didn't take a single business class. I learned on the job..
Best to let the broken glass be broken glass, let it splinter into smaller pieces and dust and scatter. Let the cracks between things widen until the….
I believe our future depends powerfully on how well we understand this cosmos in which we float, like a mote of dust in the morning sky..
Run down the list of those who felt intense anger at something: the most famous, the most unfortunate, the most hated, the most whatever: Where is al….
I too shall lie in the dust when I am dead, but now let me win noble renown..
Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America..
The seeker after truth should be humbler than the dust..
I don't pull, I just receive..