I felt good full figured. Morbidly obese I was unhealthy and dying..
Death frees the beast..
The timelessness of a concept has to be woven into the running warp of dying time, vertical power has to be wedded to the horizontal earth..
Seriously, who curses you with their dying breath and says, I hope your eye twitches!.
When have you heard a story about the hero dying for the villain?.
This is written in the elder days as the Earth rides close to the rim of eternity, edging nearer to the dying Sun, into which her two inner companion….
Make sure the thing you're living for is worth dying for..
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
I think about dying every day, because I can't stop thinking about living..
The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters.
I have been dying for twenty years, now I am going to live..
Fundamentally, all writing is about the same thing; it's about dying, about the brief flicker of time we have here, and the frustration that it creat….
For the sake of a dying, suffering world count the cost, pay the price and set the captives free.
A terrible thing about getting oldish is that your friends start dying, and in the last ten years I have lost seven or eight of my closest..
But the heart has a mind of its own and it always gets what it wants, especially when it's dying..
I don't think the public is dying to see me necessarily be funny all the time..
The greatest of all crosses is self. If we die in part every day, we shall have but little to do on the last. These little daily deaths will destroy ….
The Prophet's words were true; The mouth of Ali is the golden door Of Wisdom." When his friends to Ali bore These words, he smiled and said: "And sho….
If you're scared of dying you better not be scared to live..
Death does not frighten me, but dying obscurely and above all uselessly does..
There are many dying children out there whose last wish is to meet me..