There are many levels of life which we cannot see and know, yet which certainly exist. There is a larger world, vast enough to include immortality...….
So you are dying for love, then," Will said finally, his voice sounding constricted to his own ears. 'Dying a little faster for love. And there are w….
Freedom is the basic thing. Consciousness grows in freedom and starts dying, becomes paralyzed and crippled, when things are forced. And up to now, t….
I like my food dry. Not sick, not even dying, dead..
All my life's about is cracking up people and them cracking me up and trying not to think about dying. That doesn't cost very much money..
But when I went to Hiroshima and began to study or just listen to people's descriptions of their work, it was quite clear they were talking about dea….
If this is dying, I don't think much of it..
I feel here that this time they have succeeded..
Many, if not most, Americans can imagine a fate worse than death, and it is a seemingly interminable process of dying. For them, it is frightening th….
The purpose of man is like the purpose of a pollywog - to wiggle along as far as he can without dying; or, to hang to life until death takes him..
Be the green grass above me, with showers and dewdrops wet; and if thou wilt, remember, and if thou wilt, forget..
Is this dying? Is this all? Is this what I feared when I prayed against a hard death? Oh, I can bear this! I can bear this!.
I'll sleep well tonight.
I'm not about to put up a silly skit and preach a 15-minute message on 'how to cope' to a multitude of people who are dying and going to hell. I trem….
I really connect with those moments of doing missionary work down there and just seeing the people that are dying from disease and hunger and malnutr….
You never know what life means till you die; even throughout life, tis death that makes life live..
Jace is in love with the idea of dying,” said Isabelle..
My father, never chooses me for anything. If you needed a kidney and I offered him mine, well, pfft. Well, he'd take it 'cos he was dying. It's not t….
Instead of just getting old and giving up and dying, let's learn to make a huge contribution to life..
I've reached the point where I hardly care whether I live or die. The world will keep on turning without me, I can't do anything to change events any….
A community that is growing rich and seeks only to defend its goods and its reputation is dying. It has ceased to grow in love. A community is alive ….