I'm not just anybody.' 'No, indeed. Nobody is..
Everything that is printed and bound in a book contains some echo at least of the best that is in literature..
The old echoes are long in dying..
You flatter me shamelessly. I like it. Good..
You can stand on the cliff of my heart and shout nothing but ‘ugly’ through me. I promise all I will echo back is ‘Beauty, beauty, you have always be….
I have a family to feed..
A letter is a soul, so faithful an echo of the speaking voice that to the sensitive it is among the richest treasures of love..
I'm happy with what I've achieved..
At the top of your lungs, shout and listen to the echoes. You must live life at the top of your voice!.
You can't even see it. I'm the safest thing you'll ever find.
Not everyone has something to say. This will not stop them from saying it..
The whole wide world is a cathedral; I stand inside, the air is calm, And from afar at times there reaches My ear the echo of a psalm..
The echo of the gunshots lingered; it was soon drowned by the chanting of the mob, and I didn't believe what I was hearing. They were chanting, 'We w….
I love to be the lead, but you can't always be the lead..
The writer must be able to revel and roll in the abundance of words; he must know not only the direct but also the secret power of a word. There are ….
I'm not Misbah, Mishah is not me.
Men, unlike mockingbirds, have the capacity for systematic self-delusion. We echo each other with equal precision, equal eloquence, equal assurance..
Writers don't own their words. Since when do words belong to anybody. "Your very own words," indeed ! And who are you?.
God is always near us. Always for us. Always in us..
No one is you, and that is your power..
I live a pretty anonymous life..