The blues is life itself..
Identify the thing that is going to stop you and then stop it..
I love to sing. It's the easiest thing for me to do..
I say, let's learn more and then speculate..
It's great to be back on terra cotta.
Business is business and politics is politics and never between shall meet..
the unconscious forces that govern accessible memory are the most arbitrary of editors and the absolute masters of our lives..
The author with the greatest influence on me is my friend Stephen Harrigan, who critiques everything I write before I even bother to show it to my ag….
Politics has slain its thousands, but religion has slain its tens of thousands..
I know what I want! And I just go for it..
You can have it all, but not all at once..
There you are, sir. There's nothing more than to love and be loved..
It takes at least one to make a marriage..
Has anybody seen my tambourine?.
And she walked away, and she walked away, and that was that, and that was that..
Unless you are in the willingness and ease and ecstasy of some kind of moment, you may end up the editor of your thoughts and of your expressions. I ….
Take what you do seriously, but yourself lightly.
After Ive sent my revised draft to my agent and editor, they suggest more improvement sand again, this revision phase can take anywhere from a few ho….
Everything I do, I do for love..
What doesn't kill us makes us funnier..
Editors, for the most part, don't care ''what'' you've done, or how astounding the physical event may have been. You need to write well. Many others ….