It is costly wisdom that is brought by experience..
[... vastly different peoples live and work side by side but rarely come together, like the arms of an egg beater that] whirled independently and nev….
Faith is learned through life..
We don't choose what's going to wake us up..
Forgiveness frees the forgiver..
Let us not look east and west for materials of conversation, but rest in presence and unity. A just feeling will fast enough supply fuel for discours….
There are days when I am envious of my hens: when I hunger for a purpose as perfect and sure as a single daily egg..
Socialism is in no way a curate's egg.
When you start with a portrait and search for a pure form, a clear volume, through successive eliminations, you arrive inevitably at the egg. Likewis….
You have to live a life to become a writer..
Being fly is something that I consider myself. I would love to be at some point..
I used to help my dad with a stall selling eggs when I was about 12. People were so hard up they would ask for one egg. But mostly no one came by at ….
No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong..
A lot of the bunkering is designed more to save you than it is to penalize you..
I was in Toronto when they had a severe outbreak of SARS - you know, Severe Asian Racism Syndrome. I was in the airport and there were these big snow….
Problems are an important part of maturing--meet them straight on. Work them out. It's like the chick in the egg. It has to break through the eggshel….
Death hastens those who hasten death..
Everything that I'm saying You can say it just as good.
I wanted to build up a little nest egg and go back to L.A. and choose roles that I wanted to do instead of roles that I had to do to pay the bills..
I didn't take a single business class. I learned on the job..
You don't have to be able to lay eggs to know when one of them is rotten..