You adapt yourself to the contents of the paintbox..
It’s what you do that counts, not what you consider doing..
I'd tell him, though. Soon. Soonish. Eventually..
You have to escape to survive, as you must survive to escape..
By Googling myself, I'm not going to find anything I like..
In America, we have lost millions of decent-paying jobs. That has got to end..
To do it nationally or internationally, you have to follow a few more rules..
Some days I don't feel confident wearing, like a crop-top. So, when you're getting dressed for the day, gravitate towards items that you feel comfort….
Business is business and politics is politics and never between shall meet..
Now I have to motivate myself much more than I had previously..
Politics has slain its thousands, but religion has slain its tens of thousands..
Disposicion a transformacion personal es clave para Iluminacion Global..
Take what you do seriously, but yourself lightly.
As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves..
Every day you have to choose and cultivate your own happiness..
You cannot conceive the many without the one..
I'm definitely someone that's private. I've never been interested in celebrity..
We only have so much time.... Time will kill you it really will..
Family' is not just a biological word, it's an an operative one..
When you are handed something instead of having to work for it, you don't respect it as much..
The closer you get to God, the more you become yourself..