Potential is the one power you always have..
Every day is a gift -- start unwrapping them..
I always say the things you're not supposed to..
It's very demanding to make up your own music..
Would he find her? Without question. Would he save her? Always..
Most of the things that I learn are from the women in my life..
When something is truly funny, it's funny all the time..
A word once vulgarized can never be rehabilitated..
That's the main thing you have to have... trust..
Just say yes, just say there's nothing holding you back..
Endings are always the beginnings of something else.
Anybody is influenced by where and how he lives..
In short, industrialism is over..
90% of success is failure..
I am many things, but one of the things I am is a lesbian..
Cynics are simply thwarted romantics..
I dont have time to be depressed..
I wouldn't leave Disney to do Disney..
You take what you can get, I reckon. You take what you can get..
Our directives must be reassessed..
Nobody gets anything for nothing..