How sweetly he came to her, she thought. Even with his bulk and power, he came to her...sweetly..
I don't like needing anyone for anything..
Utiliza el nombre correcto para las cosas. El miedo a un nombre aumenta el miedo a la cosa que se nombra..
I always listen to you. Except when I don't..
Only Once In Your Life.
We just keep on having to save each other", he says. "We ever gonna be even?" "I hope not," I say.
However bad your life appears, things could be far, far worse.
Upward, not Northward.
Is not poetry the food of love?.
God is good all the time. Every time..
I am no I. I am now part of a we..
No one can stop what God has for you..
But the more poetry one reads the more one longs to read!.
Patience is the road to wisdom..
I won't ever stop until you're either the biggest thing around, or you're dead..
When it comes to work, there are many who will stop at nothing..
I am more than what they say I am..
A success unshared is a failure..
The more you have to talk yourself into it, the more it’s not ‘it’..
When we have not the strength or the courage to grasp a new truth, we persuade ourselves that it is not a truth at all..
The Gospel is a gospel of power or it is nothing at all..