I am everyone I have ever loved..
If everyone is trying to prevent error, it screws things up..
When you observe rather than react, you reclaim your power..
...she refused to leave anything to someone else that she could do better herself..
Do I Stank or was it already Stanky in Here?.
They're not just interested in one sort of music any more..
When we play on big stages, we tend to beef off the dance side of things and keep up the tempo..
If you're smiling , you're happy out..
Whatever you wear, you have to own it. Make it yours..
Learning means making errors. Those who are learning spiritually make errors just the way anyone does when he is growing..
The success I've achieved comes to me from God.
A thing is never seen as it really is..
To be worshiped is not freedom..
I have nothing to say. And I am saying it. That's poetry..
When you love what you do, you can work all the time..
Disinformation is most effective in a very narrow context..
The near side of a galaxy is tens of thousands of light-years closer to us than the far side; thus we see the front as it was tens of thousands of ye….
I don't enter, I'm entered. It's up to someone else. It's up to them..
The faithful believe that certain truths have been 'revealed.' The skeptics and secularists believe that truth is only to be sought by free inquiry a….
[Something] does not rise to the dignity of error..
* What we do to others, we do to ourselves..