With Carmina Burana, my collected works begin..
Where music leads, I follow..
When we decide to do something, we do it quickly..
What got you here won't get you there..
We've got a lot of love here, and for me that's what family is all about..
Wear the outfit; don't let the outfit wear you..
We won`t back down! We won`t be trumped!.
We never are definitely right, we can only be sure we are wrong..
We have learned nothing..
We are what we continually do..
We are all part of one another..
One is a writer, or one is not..
One doesn't have to get anywhere in a marriage. It's not a public conveyance..
Nobody had ever told me that anything could be like this..
No. One. Comes. Before You..
No one can live with nothing..
You may be old, you may be in your third act, but you can still be vital and sexual and funny. Life isn't over..
Life's all about 'me' anyway.
Im so not into being emaciated..
I'm easily entertained..
I love directing and that's where I'm headed. That's where my head is at..