That's the beauty of the future. We get to change it..
Stupidity is far more dangerous than evil, for evil takes a break from time to time, stupidity does not..
I don't compete with others, but compete with myself..
Evil is simply a grammatical error: a failure to leap the precipice between "he" and "I..
All in all is all we are..
[I'm] more German than Irish..
There are many powers in the world, for good or for evil. Some are greater than I am. Against some I have not yet been measured. But my time is comin….
I am at my best when I am scoring..
We have to learn everything we do..
I never thought I was the best; I just thought I was one of the best..
Sadly, God mentions no crowned nags in Proverbs..
I'm happy, but there's nothing to jump around about..
You can suffocate a thought by expressing it with too many words..
The work that I'm proudest of is the work that I'm most afraid of..
We belong to God. All in us is His..
I just can't understand why we don't go forward and put more sanctions..
Why could we say more to each other when it counted less?.
We see nothing till we truly understand it..
I never worked with a stinker. How great is that!.
Don't be afraid of anything. We've seen so much suffering and evil in the 20th century and we got through it. We can go on. God is with us. God will ….
I'm good at picking friends..