Meryl Streep is awesome. I really want to work with Emma Stone; she is adorable. Now I want to work with Octavia Spencer, because I met her and she's….
Nothing else even comes close..
Slowly, my brain let me in on the fact that I had just come this close to dying..
To lead is neither to push or pull..
Human folk are as a matter of fact eager to find intelligence in animals..
Faith does not ignore the facts, it ignores the power of the facts..
We only understand that which already is within us..
What is power without control?.
Never have so many been manipulated so much by so few..
No one can get to the Right of me..
My wife is the fact-checker, I'm in the story telling business..
People rely on Wikipedia, and a lot of it is wrong. But because there it is on the Internet, they assume it's right. Rumor gets printed as fact. We m….
I'm from such an old family, it's been condemned..
Fact is not truth, but a poet who wilfully defies fact cannot achieve truth..
The very fact that we make such a to-do over golden weddings indicates our amazement at human endurance. The celebration is more in the nature of a r….
How I like to be liked, and what I do to be liked!.
...the horrific fact that our lives and those of the people we love are impermanent and exquisitely fragile, that any of us can cease to exist withou….
What distinguishes the historian from the collector of historical facts is generalization..
When I eat better, I perform better..
Nothing that can be, can come between me and the full prospect of my hopes..
The more music you love, the happier you will be..