I've been on top longer and I am younger. I'm just better..
Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself..
If one does not fail at times, then one has not challenged himself..
They never fail who die in a great cause..
Failure and its accompanying misery is for the artist his most vital source of creative energy..
When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest..
Failure may be just a step toward your eventual goal..
To try and fail is at least to learn; to fail to try is to suffer the inestimable loss of what might have been..
I live, I live, with an absolutely continuous sense of failure. I am always defeated, always. Every book is the wreck of a perfect idea. The years pa….
The politician who never made a mistake never made a decision..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
Every failure teaches a man something, if he will learn; and you are too sensible a man not to learn from this failure..
I prefer true over happy now..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
A habit is something you can do without thinking - which is why most of us have so many of them..
"I can see nothing," said I, handing it back to my friend. "On the contrary, Watson, you can see everything. You fail, however, to reason from what y….
Whatever we succeed in doing is a transformation of something we have failed to do. Thus, when we fail, it is only because we have given up..
I train so hard to make sure failure doesn't happen. If I do everything I can, and run as fast as I possibly can and someone still beats me, I don't ….
If you're going to define me properly, you must think in terms of my failures as well as my successes..
A year ago Guyana became politically free and independent. She assumed the untrammeled right to make her own decisions on what ought to be done or ou….