Whether it's coming from FDR or it's coming from Ronald Reagan, if the idea is right for the times then we're gonna apply it. And things that don't w….
I don't really see myself as famous..
There's something about the fashion world that I like, which is, I see a lot of the designers really have affection for other designers..
I would love, just once, to do costumes for a movie. I almost did some theater, but it is very different from what I am used to doing as a fashion de….
Knowledge come from looking around; wisdom comes from looking up..
When I was 18 I already had a business going..
Growing up, I wanted to be a sports commentator. Then my aunt introduced me to the fashion industry, and everything sort of fell into place..
Courage encourages courage..
I've never killed anybody... but I've definitely thought about it..
I am more than what they say I am..
I just never really thought there could be something worse than death..
Triple tongued is triple named.
In externals we advance with lightening express speed, in modes of thought and sympathy we lumber on in stage-coach fashion..
To take part in the African revolution, it is not enough to write a revolutionary song. You must fashion the revolution with the people. And if you f….
Why aren't you dead?" Will demanded..
None are so fallible as those who are sure they're right..
I would rather be respected than elected..
Who's to say where funny stops and 'too far' starts?.
I live, which is the main point..
Every day I turned a 'you can't' into a 'you can.'.
I am so happy, so in love, and so content..