Everyone knows the more you chase something the faster it runs and the more you ignore something the faster it comes..
This will provide an engine, an example that will allow Europe to go faster, further and better..
You don’t get off easy, you just get to finish faster!.
Bore : A fellow who can change the subject back to his topic of conversation faster than you can change it back to yours..
Preston Sturges is one of my favorites. I learned about dialogue and timing from him - louder, faster, funnier. But I do love Mel Brooks..
...Let's get to the image as quickly as possible, let's get to the message even faster, and let's find the scale to knock you over the head with the ….
Computers get better faster than anything else ever..
Architecture is changing faster than some other professions..
bad news travels faster than good..
Some people, it [songwriting] comes faster. Some people, it comes slower..
One could always do more, faster and cleverer, but democracy has its own rhythm..
It's possible to go faster than folk are ready for; that's the key to democracy..
The faster we travel, the less there is to see..
There is nothing that you can do to me that my own craziness doesn't do to me smarter and faster and better..
Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics..
The madder I get, the faster I go..
The faster you can sample sound when you are digitizing it, the higher the frequency, the less phase ambiguity at the higher frequencies..
In my time, the follies of the town crept slowly among us, but now they travel faster than a stagecoach..
I wish my Google was faster..
People respond faster to you on a text than an e-mail. Why is that? Why will they ignore an e-mail, but get back to a text?.
I can type faster than I can point. And my mother told me that pointing is impolite..