When you don't have a seat at the table, you're on the menu, my friend Lee Saunders has said, and he is correct..
Nothing is invented and perfected at the same time..
In a stage play, you kill the leads and they come out for a bow - in a movie, they don't come out for a bow, they're dead..
When Shakespeare doesn't feel like Shakespeare, it's the best..
We'll become whoever we trust the most says we are..
Fear is a sprit that really can stop you from living..
I was the biggest Goldie Hawn fan, my entire life..
Knowledge come from looking around; wisdom comes from looking up..
Life isn't about what you get, it's about what you DO with what you get..
You can put anything into words, except your own life..
There is the music that we make, and the music that makes us..
The more you have to talk yourself into it, the more it’s not ‘it’..
You can only see in someone else what you see in yourself..
Frankly, I got into the movies because I like the movies a lot..
He who seeks to terrify others is more in fear himself..
Daniel Ellsberg showed tremendous courage back in the 70s..
There was never anything that did not proceed from a thought..
There's nothing like a great piece of theater - a great performance in a great piece of theater..
Always do something that requires you and your date to talk..
I don't have a particular genre that I want to stick to; if you work on a small piece, you take that experience with you when you work on a big piece….
I do not belong to any religion. Everything is between God and myself..