Don't go looking for Mr. Right. Look for Mr. Right Now..
If you work at love, you will find love at work..
The guitar is a meditative tool to touch God and find love within yourself..
Keep an open heart. We are wired to find love..
Personally, I think if a women hasn't met the right man by the time she's 24, she may be lucky..
I don't like the way people cherish the ghetto, as if it’s some royal palace, or kingdom. I also don't like the way people treat each other in the gh….
Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course..
The truth is, you are your own “special someone,” and loving yourself is the first step to finding love outside yourself..
A: The soul wanders in the dark, until it finds love. And so, wherever our love goes, there we find our soul. Q: It always happens? A: If we're lucky….
Having access to mobile phones and being able to document your own life brings people together. Technology has a lot to do with how the world is deve….
Who would have ever thought I'd find love, contentment and joy in a prison cell, but I did. I knew that I knew that I knew that day, I'd been release….
We all want to be loved, don't we? Everyone looks for a way of finding love. It's a constant search for affection in every walk of life..
Whoever finds love beneath hurt and grief disappears into emptiness with a thousand new disguises.