The fire is the main comfort of the camp, whether in summer or winter, and is about as ample at one season as at another. It is as well for cheerful….
You are never freer than in that moment when you decide to expose yourself to sniper fire..
Normal people, fear the day their parents die. Screwed up people, fear the day their parents kill. My mum killed a guy, at my wedding. So I can prett….
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seamed with scars; martyrs have put on their coronation robes glit….
Many a text [of Scripture] is written in a secret ink which must be held to the fire of adversity to make it visible..
The soul which cannot endure fire and smoke won't find the Secret..
One must look hard through history to find when a clear understanding of the truth moved anyone to fire the first shot..
I pray we are still a young and courageous nation, that we have not grown so old and so fat and so prosperous that all we can think about is to sit b….
Our trials are supposed to turn us toward God, but we whine and complain and wish someone would turn down the fire so we could have our old life back….
God Almighty Himself must have been hilarious when human beings so mingled iron and water and fire as to make a railroad train!.
A bizarrerie of fires, cunabulum of light, it moved with a deft, almost dainty deliberation, phasing into and out of existence like a storm-shot piec….
To have suffered ... sets a keen edge on what remains of the agreeable. This is a great truth and has to be learned in the fire..
Ah, Mastery of the Five Elements!" "Is that the one we want?" I asked. "No, but a good one. How to tame the five essential elements of the universe -….
A match made in heaven set the fires in hell..
The activities and effects of the Fire and Air elements in the astral sphere call forth the astral-electric fluid, and the activities and effects of ….
If we accept the notion that terrorists will have immunity because as they fire on civilians they hide behind civilians, then this tactic will be leg….
When a chainsaw rips into a 2,000 year old redwood tree, it's ripping into my guts. When a bulldozer plows through the Amazon rainforest, it's rippin….
Never bring a cannon on stage in Act I unless you intend to fire it by the last act..
I had so much fire in me and so many plans..
The greatest book is not the one whose message engraves itself on the brain, as a telegraphic message engraves itself on the ticker-tape, but the one….
All empires are created of blood and fire..